Why I Don't Offer Tarot Readings Anymore Skip to main content

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Why I Don't Offer Tarot Readings Anymore

I recently decided to stop offering tarot reading services in my store and here's why:

1. Feeling burdened with weird/dumb questions
I used to have a tarot reading service store on Shopee and delisted my products the moment MCO started. I had gotten an order around the time when the movement control order was implemented and was so dumbstruck at the question that I just didn't want to deal with it. I get a range of different people who come to me for clarification or guidance and I am fine with offering my services until they ask me to predict when the end of the world is gonna be and how they can get away with murder (these are jokes... Nobody has asked me these questions thank goodness). 

I won't go into detail about the questions that I have been asked as I want to make a post dedicated to the topic in the future. 

Just... It's really tiring when you have to keep explaining to the same 3 people that you can't answer those kinds of questions. 

2. It became a chore and is draining
I think people who do tarot readings would understand this but it's tiring to do readings for people.
It physically drains you.

Yeah, it's just interpreting a bunch of cards but the quality of your readings does depend on your mood and your overall mental health. I noticed that if I never felt up to doing a reading but had to do it anyway because a customer purchased my service, my readings were never that great or made no sense. 

The same applies whenever I was too exhausted from work or just life in general.

I could easily just take my customer's money and not care about the outcome but I want to be able to answer their questions as best I can. So I would even tell them to come back in a couple of days so I can get my mood in check or rest a bit before attempting a reading. 

But life just gets in the way and my mood hasn't been the greatest in general so I would rather close my store than dish out half-assed tarot readings.

3. First Timers
I get a lot of "first-timers" purchasing my readings. 

They're usually people who are knowledgable about readings but never got the opportunity to try it either because most tarot reading services are done face to face or they're just way too expensive. My readings are considerably cheap compared to the ones listed on Shopee (at least the last time I checked). 

Or, they are desperate people looking for an answer to their questions and randomly came across my store.

First-timers are always hit or miss.
They can either be really pleasant or very passive-aggressive.

After I send my readings out to my customers, I will notify them through chat and offer to explain their readings more if they have trouble understanding or relating to it. Most people would thank me or ask me for clarification and I'd do my part. But some first-timers would leave a random bad review which I think is always hilarious. 

I try my best to educate my customers about how I do my readings. For example, I don't do yes or no readings, I don't do predictions because my readings are more for advice, etc. BUT  sometimes customers just want what they want and there's no stopping them. I just make sure to keep a screenshot of conversations in case a random lawsuit comes in the mail........... (palis2).


I don't know if I'll ever come back to tarot reading. It was fun to help people after all... 
Maybe in a couple of months, I'll take back my decision? Who knows really. 

Until then, I hope my customers find another good tarot reader to seek advice from. 




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