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My July 2018 Playlist

Okay, so my taste in music is really all over the place. I don't keep up with the latest hits and often listen to one song or album over and over again for long periods of time until I get sick of them. But I'd like to share some songs that have got me groovin' this July. Some are new and some aren't. Some you might like and some you might not. Nevertheless, I'm here to share (not everything just 15 songs). 

So, as I've mentioned earlier, I'm really all over the place when it comes to music. Most of what I listen to in a day depends highly on my moods, which I guess is true for a lot of us. 

Below are the 15 songs I've added to my ever-growing playlist on Spotify. I have a little over 500 songs now on that one playlist (don't judge me). 

My all-time favourites are UFO by Mallrat, Allday, Boomin' in your Jeep by Crystal Fighters, and Burn the House Down by AJR. 

The first two are my wind down songs which I listen to whenever I'm on my way home from work or wherever. Burn the House Down is something I listen to in the morning to get me pumped. I don't know why but I always feel like I can do anything when I listen to that song. 

So far, I've listened to only these 3 songs consistently throughout this month. 

Now, to address the Disney song so inconspicuously disguised in the playlist.
Yes, that is the French version of Let it Go from Frozen. No, I am not crazy. 
I listen to this song and sing to it while I work on blog posts in my room after work (or whenever). It also pumps me up and since I don't understand everything she's singing, she doesn't distract me while I'm writing things down. I like multi-tasking, so I usually have music playing on my phone and YouTube playing on my iPad while I work on my laptop.
Yes, it helps. Again, no, I'm not crazy. 
Plus, Anais Delva has a really great voice!
Oh, and yes, I'm listening to the song and singing along as I write this post. 😂

Another song I'd like to highlight from the playlist is HARUKAKANATA by Nyarons. 
I occasionally listen to songs like these because they're so bright and cute. For all you weeaboos out there who like opening songs like ones from Himouto! Umaru-chan and Lucky Star, check out Nyarons for some cute songs. 

If you'd like to listen to the songs on the playlist, here is the link!
Oh and if you know any songs similar to the ones above, please do share. I'd love to know what everyone else is listening to. ❤




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