On today's Advice with Clare: Do NOT leave your Skype unattended. Because you might regret it. XDD
Occasionally, maybe once in a blue moon, some unwitting person would leave their laptops open at their table and head down for a smoke, go for a toilet break or attend a meeting.
Needless to say, it was VERY entertaining. XD
Here is how the conversation on Skype started.
At this point, I was already looking around at my friends and colleagues. Trying to make sense of the situation and conversation I was reading on Skype.
It was soon apparent to me that M wasn't really M and someone had taken control of her Skype.
Now a little background information. M is an Italian and this is not the first time someone hacked her Skype.
By this time, I was already tearing up from laughing. I mean, who wouldn't be? XD
While I was crying from "I don't trim and tell", the owner of the Skype appeared. Apparently, S from our department was responsible for this hilarity.
There's nothing like long nose hair to keep you awake and laughing at work on a lazy Friday afternoon.
Seriously though. Never leave your laptop unattended. XD